Skin cancer is the most frequent cancer in the white population. It is true that the most frequent is the non-melanoma type of cancer, which is rarely fatal. However, melanoma continues to gain positions and its incidence and mortality continues to increase in Spain and Europe.
The European Euromelanoma initiative has been crucial in raising public awareness. Dermatologists in our daily practice cannot fight alone against the current situation in which most people are unaware of the importance of sun protection and annual dermatological check-ups, which are essential in the early detection and therefore in the possible cure of melanoma.
Almost everyone has heard of the harmful effects of the sun but very few are really aware that a small patch of skin is capable of killing. Few listen to information to the point where it is explained that if melanoma is detected early it can be cured. However, if it takes some time, mortality from melanoma increases exponentially.
what should we all do, regardless of our skin type?
1. Avoid sun exposure at midday (from 12 to 16h), use sunscreens, hats, sunglasses, wide clothes with long sleeves and long pants… all of them are essential to avoid skin cancer.
2. Take special care of children, as sun damage has even worse consequences for them.
3. Do not forget the annual check-ups by the dermatologist. You can save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
If you want to know more about how to prevent and detect melanoma in time , click here.
HM Sanchinarro, Montepríncipe and Torrelodones University Hospitals collaborate every year with this European initiative. With everyone’s efforts we hope to achieve a reduction in the incidence of melanoma and skin cancer in the near future.
From our blog we would like to congratulate the Euromelanoma organization and the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) for their magnificent promotion and organization of the event and for the support they offer us dermatologists in our daily task of raising awareness among our patients. It all adds up.