
I am 30 years old and I still get pimples

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases in the general population, especially among teenagers, but… what happens when you are over that age and still continue to get pimples?

In this week’s post we are going to talk about late acne or adult acne, which is acne that develops after the age of 25. It is more common in women and usually decreases after the age of 45.

The most frequent clinical manifestations are inflammatory lesions together with small cysts distributed in the lower face. Two types are distinguished:


1. Persistent acne: it is the most common. Women have had pimples since adolescence, and over the years they continue to present lesions on a regular basis. They are usually papulo-nodular lesions (red bumps), mostly on the lower face, chin and neck.

2. Late-onset acne: appears in adulthood and is divided into:

  • Acne of the chin: inflammatory with lesions around the mouth and on the chin. It presents with premenstrual exacerbations. They are usually resistant to treatment and leave many residual lesions.
  • Sporadic acne: appears later for no apparent reason or associated with a systemic disease. It can affect any location. In men it is more common on the back.

Factors causing late acne

Among the causes of acne there are four main factors:

1. Increased sebum production
2. Accumulation of keratin in the hair follicles.
3. Increase of a bacterium (Propionibacterium acnes) in the follicle.
4. Inflammation.

However, the causes of late acne are less clear, there are many factors such as the use of certain cosmetics, medications (oral corticosteroids, antiepileptics, antidepressants, etc.), smoking, stress or diet.

It has been observed that in women smokers between 25-50 years of age, the appearance of acne is more frequent (41.5% compared to 9.7%), so we encourage you to quit smoking to be more beautiful among other things…

On the other hand, there is an important hereditary component in 50% of the cases.

Finally, women with late acne and other symptoms of hyperandrogenism (increased hair growth, hormonal alopecia…) have a high probability of suffering from endocrine abnormalities such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

Women with late acne

Treatment of this type of acne is similar to that of adolescent acne although it is often long lasting, even for several years or decades! The dermatologist will choose the best therapeutic tools for each person depending on the type of acne they suffer from and their medical and social circumstances.

Topical treatments for adult acne

– Antibiotic creams (erythromycin, clindamycin)
– Benzoyl peroxide
– Topical retinoids
– Medical peels with salicylic or glycolic acid to treat residual blemishes, blackheads, scars and prevent relapses.

Oral treatments

– Oral antibiotics (doxycycline, erythromycin)
– Oral contraceptives
– Oral isotretinoin: is a vitamin A derivative and is considered the most effective drug in reducing acne lesions and seborrhea. It requires strict follow-up by a dermatologist.

In conclusion, having pimples after the age of 25 is a very common situation and one should not despair or think that there is an endocrine disorder underneath (in reality there almost never is). The most important thing to find a definitive solution to the problem is to visit your dermatologist, who will recommend the best treatment and the best cosmetics that each of us should use to achieve a clean and flawless skin: cleansing products, creams with exfoliating active ingredients, antimicrobials. And don’t forget that healthy lifestyle habits promote beautiful skin. One more reason to lead a healthy life.