
Interested in learning more about glycation?

The glycation is the binding of a sugar molecule to a protein. This reaction occurs in daily life, for example, when roasting food. High temperatures precipitate the union of these sugars and proteins, producing the characteristic brownish coloration (as occurs, for example, when toasting a slice of bread).

Similar reactions occur in the human body over very long periods of time and at much lower temperatures. As a result, substances called glycation compounds accumulate in numerous tissues of the body and are involved in the aging process.

People who smoke, drink alcohol or are exposed to solar radiation produce more free radicals, which enhances the glycation process in the human body. On the other hand, in diabetics, glycation occurs at an accelerated rate due to the increase of circulating sugar molecules in the body.

In any case, the human body possesses defense mechanisms against the creation of both free radicals and glycation products. Genetic differences between individuals determine this detoxifying capacity, explaining why two people with similar lifestyles show different degrees of tissue aging.

To stay young, it is very important to exercise daily, follow a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid sun exposure, smoking and excessive alcohol.

And for those who think that taking care of oneself is synonymous with boredom, some of life’s greatest pleasures also prevent us from aging: pure chocolate, a glass of wine a day, grapes, a few laughs, sex?