Excessive sweating treatment

From 500 €


The term “hyperhidrosis” refers to excessive sweating. Botulinum toxin is used to treat hyperhidrosis because it produces a nerve blockade, preventing the transmission of “information” to the gland, thus inhibiting the stimulus for sweat production.

What does “hyperhidrosis” or excessive sweating consist of? The term “hyperhidrosis” refers to excessive sweating. It is a relatively common condition and is not serious, but it can greatly impact the patient’s quality of life by interfering with their interpersonal relationships and work environment.

Sweat is produced by a type of sweat gland called “eccrine.” Its function is to regulate body temperature and help humans adapt to their environment. These glands are distributed over almost the entire surface of the skin and their function is regulated by nerve fibers.

The cause of hyperhidrosis is not known, but it seems that there is an overstimulation of the glands through nerve impulses. It occurs equally in men and women, it is frequent that the history begins in childhood or puberty and that there are other affected family members, besides worsening with certain emotional stimuli. It usually persists for a few years, but there is a tendency for spontaneous improvement.

Treatment with botulinum toxin injections Botulinum toxin is used to treat hyperhidrosis as it produces a nerve block which prevents the passage of “information” to the gland and the gland does not receive the stimulus to produce sweat. It’s injected at various points using a syringe and needle into the areas to be treated, typically the armpits and palms. In this latter location, anesthesia is necessary because the injection is very painful. This anesthesia is performed by nerve block. The effect on reducing sweating is noticeable within a few days and lasts around 6 months. Then reinjection is necessary, which is done without observing a decrease in the effect over time.

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