The main enemy of the skin in summer is ultraviolet radiation. During this season, solar radiation is very intense and reaches the deepest areas of the skin, increasing the risk of skin cancer. The intensity of ultraviolet radiation is not the same at any time. In the middle hours of the day, i.e. from 12 to 16h during the summer months, sun exposure is not recommended for any skin type.
The main harmful effects of excessive sun exposure are: skin cancer, wrinkles and pigmentation alterations.
After the summer it is common to observe a darkening of the spots or the appearance of new spots or moles. This may occur immediately or more frequently cumulatively over the years.
Therefore, after the summer, it is advisable to take care of the skin using appropriate cosmetic care as it helps to improve its health and appearance.
It is also important to ensure that our diet is as varied and healthy as possible, avoiding artificial saturated fats and packaged or precooked foods lacking in vitamins.
A diet designed to improve skin should include: whole grains, nuts, oily fish, fresh vegetables and fruit rich in vitamin C.
The necessary dosage of each vitamin to improve the skin is difficult to ingest in the form of food. Especially in those people who perform intense physical exercise or suffer from emotional stress. In these cases it is advisable to use appropriate food supplements to increase the body’s resources to protect our skin and hair.