Dermatologist team

Doctor specializing in Dermatology. Member Nº 2864713
Member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV). Nº 2277

Work experience

  • Present: Medical Specialist. Dermatology Service. HM Sanchinarro University Hospital, Madrid. Spain


  • 2011-2015: Resident Medical Intern of Dermatology and Medical-Surgical Venereology. Servicio de Dermatología de la Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid. Spain
  • 2000-2005: Bachelor of Medicine. Faculty of Medicine, National University of Córdoba. Argentina.
  • 2004-2005: Master in Aesthetic Dermatology, Universidad Alcalá de Henares. Spain
  • 2013: PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY.Our Lady’s Children Hospital and St James Hospital. Dublin. Ireland
  • 2014: Laser Unit and Mohs Surgery. Ramón y Cajal University Hospital. Madrid. Spain


Reserve your appointment here with a dermatologist from our team. Choose your best option, face-to-face or online consultation, payment by credit card through secure payment gateway Stripe or payment in consultation.
Price from 150 €.
No medical companies are attended, only insurance with reimbursement.
If you need to reschedule the appointment you can do it in advance.