Dermatologist team

Medical specialist in Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology. Member number 0204334
Member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV). Nº 3033

Work experience

  • Present: Medical Specialist. Dermatology Service. Torrecárdenas University Hospital. Almería. Spain.
  • Present: Medical Specialist. Dermatology Service. HM Sanchinarro University Hospital, Madrid. Spain.
  • Present: Training program/Fellowship. Dermatology Service. Niño Jesus University Hospital. Madrid. Spain.


  • 2012-2018: Faculty of Medicine. University of Granada.
  • 2019-2023: Resident Internist in Dermatology and Medical-Surgical Venereology. Dermatology Department of the Hospital General Universitario de Albacete. Albacete. Spain.
  • 2022-2023: Master’s Degree in Pediatric Dermatology. University Expert in Pediatric Genodermatosis. University expert in infectious and systemic pathology in cutaneous involvement. University expert in blistering diseases and tumor pathology. University expert in vascular anomalies in childhood.
  • 2021: Training stay in the consultation of contact dermatitis, urticaria and atopic dermatitis at the General Hospital of Alicante.
  • 2022: Training stay in management of immunotherapy/target therapy and its complications, and systemic and blistering diseases at Hospital Puerta del Mar (Cádiz).
  • 2022: Estancia formativa en Dermatología pediátrica en Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid).
  • 2022: Training stay in Mohs micrographic surgery and cutaneous tumor pathology at the Instituto Valenciano de Oncología (IVO).
  • 2023: Training stay in consultation of sexually transmitted infections and hidradenitis suppurativa, as well as ultrasound-guided treatments at the Hospital Virgen de las Nieves (Granada).
  • Training stay of 6 months of specific postMIR training in Pediatric Dermatology (Fellowship/training program) at Hospital Niño Jesus (September 2022- April 2023).


Reserve your appointment here with a dermatologist from our team. Choose your best option, face-to-face or online consultation, payment by credit card through secure payment gateway Stripe or payment in consultation.
Price from 150 €.
No medical companies are attended, only insurance with reimbursement.
If you need to reschedule the appointment you can do it in advance.