With the arrival of good weather and the timid departure from confinement, the first sun exposures will begin. But do we know how to protect our skin? We would like to share with you some messages that will help to clarify some doubts and possibly modify some attitudes. Don’t gamble with the health of your skin! Go to your dermatologist!
How can we protect ourselves from the sun?
It seems an obvious question, however, in many occasions the answer is not very satisfactory for the patient, since we live immersed in a culture of outdoor life, and the taste for tanning still persists.
We will wear clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Sunscreens should not be an excuse to increase sun exposure.
As we will see later, we can also take oral substances that improve our ability to cope with radiation.
The main sun protection measure is: do not expose yourself to the sun! Lifestyle, covering clothing, topical photoprotector and oral photoprotector.
There is no such thing as a “full-screen” photoprotector for “all the time”.
“Well… but we look better with a tan, and it also protects us from the burn.”
Melanin is the pigment that is induced after sun exposure and gives the “tan” tone. It is debated whether it provides any protection against the short- and long-term consequences of UVR. While some researchers believe that it has no advantage, others believe that it gives an SPF of 2 to 4…
UVR is a major factor in skin aging. The tan gives you a “good face” effect. But skin beauty (smooth, fine, wrinkle and blemish-free skin) is a long-term investment.
Tanning is not a “protection” of the skin, but a defense to an aggression, which over time will produce prematurely aged skin and at risk of skin cancer.
Investing in sun protection (understood in a global way) is the best way to maintain a healthy, beautiful skin according to the age we have and feel.