
Your skin, your first line of defense

The immune system defends the human body against infections and repairs injuries. Our immune system is activated when it comes into contact with something that can put us in danger, such as a tumor cell, a virus or bacteria that enters our body through the skin or mucous membranes.

The skin is an organ that harbors different types of immune cells involved in both innate and adaptive immune responses. The immune system of the skin is composed of skin cells per se and professional immune cells that together form the so-called skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT).

There are some very frequent skin infections that are difficult to manage medically and alter people’s quality of life, such as molluscum contagiosum, the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which frequently affects the lips, or the human papillomavirus (HPV), which manifests itself as the well-known palmoplantar warts, or genital warts, the latter with potential health risks.

To avoid these types of infections it is necessary to maintain a very healthy immune system, which starts with a strong and healthy skin barrier that can prevent infections or eliminate them as soon as possible.

INMUDERMA is an essential support for the proper functioning of the immune system today, which we know can be altered quite easily, favoring the appearance of infections and other diseases.


Contributes to the normal functioning of the skin’s immune system and to normal skin and mucosal regeneration, being ideal in certain skin situations that may last for a long time.

IngredientPrincipal Benefit
L-GlutamineIt strengthens the immune system, improves healing and increases physical endurance.
Beta-GlucansThey modulate the immune system, prevent infections and promote healing.
Zinc GluconatePowerful antiviral and antioxidant essential for the immune system.
Vitamin CPowerful antioxidant and essential support in regeneration and healing.
Vitamin EStimulates the immune system and fights free radicals.
Vitamin D3Essential for immune health and the production of defenses.
Folic AcidPromotes cell production and protects DNA.
Beta-CaroteneSupports the immune system, vision and cell growth.


We all know someone that every time he/she has an emotional disturbance, a skin condition such as cold sores, warts, dermatitis, etc., appears. This is because the autonomic nervous system is a fundamental part of the immune system functions. It is responsible for providing energy and information to the whole organism, coordinating its correct functioning. This is why the immune system is so affected by emotional disturbances such as stress, anxiety or depression.

In today’s society, our immune system is being damaged mainly for two reasons: stress and poor diet or bad habits. That is why doctors recommend taking food supplements that can make up for this deficiency, either due to lack of intake or to increased needs, due to the intense wear and tear of the organism due to the lifestyle we have today.

Other tools to improve the immune system include promoting friendship and healthy social relationships, which have been shown to be especially beneficial for the immune system, as well as physical exercise, good sleep hygiene, a balanced diet and meditation.

Other clinical studies show that people who feel or are lonely suffer from poorer immune systems.


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